Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Once A Cheater......

always a cheater???
i dont think so
but thats just how i see things.

Just because someone cheated before doesnt mean they will again, depending on their mindset at that time, what they were going thru at that time, and how the relationship was all depends on why they cheated. and people change. NOW, i'm not saying that you should trust everyone who has cheated before because some people are just cheaters to the core. but i am saying, dont condemn someone because of past mistakes.
would you want them to do that to you??

and just because they cheated with you doesnt mean they'll cheat on you... even though its a much bigger chance that they will, doesnt mean they definitely will.
so trust your gut, if you're wishy washy on the subject, give it a go & see how things turn out. if the worst happens then its a lesson learned & just another chapter done in your book of life.

thats how i see it
In A NutShell

Till Next Time

Thursday, April 22, 2010

When Did It Become Okay?

so I was just thinking, when did it become okay for somebody to treat someone else wrongly? when did it become okay for someone who you trust to screw you over? why is it that females in general are constantly taken advantage of for just wanting to find love? granted guys get screwed over too sometimes, but not nearly as much as girls do. because us girls (for the most part) really just want to find somebody...we arent trying to talk to 4 other dudes and lead you on, nor are we trying to just have you be another notch in our belts. and I think guys know this, which is why they know exactly how to play us, exactly what we want to hear, and exactly what buttons to push to make our knees weak; or to make us think that they're really good guys. when realistically they're just assholes with a nice guy exterior.

now, this is NOT just a 'rip on the male species' entry, cuz i know some guys that are really genuinely good guys, and it sucks for them because there are so many douche-bags in the world that give every other guy such a bad name. Guys in general are like Pit-Bulls in general. alot of them are sweethearts, but the percentage of them that are ruthless, no good, assholes, ruin it for the rest of them & give the rest of them a bad name. so (just like pit bulls) guys are NOT all the same. so before someone says that they are, they should try to talk to every guy on the planet... good luck with that one...

MOST IMPORTANTLY when did it become okay to group people as all bad or as all anything. like, all Asians are smart, or cant drive...and all black people are ghetto. or all Gay people have aids. thats wrong and hurtful. because if those things are said in a rude and malicious way then it can be very hurtful, and didnt your Mother ever tell you to treat others how you want to be treated??

now, in no way am I a Saint. i dont try to be & i'm not trying to make myself out to be anything but what I am. (which is clearly not a saint) but i just dont like to see people hurt in any way.

if you want to refute anything i said feel free to hit me up & say whatever you feel like, i'm open to seeing more points of view....

but, thats just how i see things
In A NutShell


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Human Cadavers

i LOVE reading. & right now I'm reading this book called
Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers ;; By: Mary Roach
&& its REALLY interesting!
it talks about everything you could ever want to know about cadavers (if you're into that kinda stuff) it goes through the history of how it got started, what they do now, how bodies decompose & SO much more.

For my Massage School curriculum we went to the Cadaver Lab at UNLV to study the bones, muscles, & overall human body (because if you're hiring a massage therapist you want them to know EXACTLY what they're touching) & i got SUPER interested in cadavers and just the human body in general.

So I thought I'd share with you all

Until Next Time

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


It was the stroke of midnight, the only light that shown in her bedroom was that of the full moon shining through her gaping window. She had been waiting for him for countless minutes, in her white lace lingere that hugged all of her beautiful curves so gently. Suddenly she heard the latch on the door & her heartbeat quickened. Footsteps coming up the stairs, she adjusted her position on the bed to look more appealing. The bedroom door swung open; there he stood with a dozen red roses. When he saw her he threw them down and began to take off his tie. She walked over to him & kissed his lips ever so gently. He leaned down to kiss the nape of her neck as he placed his hands on her waist. She unbuckled his belt & slid off his pants as his kisses left a trail going down her chest...

should i continue??

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Knot Prayer

iLove this prayer. I heard it first the other day & I had to look it up, thought I'd share with anyone who cares about my blog. lol here you go

Dear God

Please untie the knots that are in my mind,
my heart and my life.
Remove the have nots,
the can nots and the do nots
that I have in my mind.
Erase the will nots,
may nots,
might nots that may find a home in my heart.
Release me from the could nots,
would nots
and should nots that obstruct my life.
And most of all,
Dear God,
I ask that you remove from my mind,
my heart and my life all of the "am nots"
that I have allowed to hold me back,
especially the thought that I am not good enough.


Monday, October 12, 2009

I Was Burned...

...but i call it a lesson learned

so, the summer romance i spoke of before was just that, & it faded just as the heat did. J told me to stop talkin to him & that it was just gona upset me in the end, but of course i didnt listen. & i guess i shouldnt have anyway bcuz life is about making your own decisions and learning from your own mistakes right?

well, all of the signs were there: failure to commit, keeping it on the DL, always being sneeky, always making me commute. so those all should have been red flags for me but i wanted to believe that it was just my imagination & that he had trust issues when the real problem was that he was a player & thought he could get everything he wanted out of me.

he did get some things out of me, but he knew how deeply i felt and how to push the right buttons and manipulate me into waiting on his ass hand and foot. because im just that type of person, i try to make everyone else happy without thinking of whats going to make me happy, and if my actions toward everyone else are going to end up affecting me in a negative way....but i guess i just want people to be the best they can be, and i want to stick around to see them accomplish what i know they have the potential for. and i want the best for everyone that i care about. 

and oh did i care for him, i still do & dont want to see anything happen to him or his son (who i absolutely adore btw)

but i was severely taken advantage of. and now im stuck wondering, again, what is wrong with me.  when there really isnt anything wrong with me, i just seem to be attracted to these idiotic, unmotivated beef heads who think that they can control and dominate women just because thats how it was 100 years ago. but not this woman, and not anymore. im going to get my life on track and make something of myself, and next year when i am fully accomplished and you are still stuck in the same spot in life doing nothing with yourself you'll be sorry you didnt let me rub off on you, and you'll be sorry that u let me slip away, cuz hunny, there arent many out here like me. there are a few, but we are few and far between...

i am done for the night i guess, time to take a bubble bath and let my problems float away

until next time

Saturday, September 26, 2009


so, i've come to the conclusion that the partying scene is NOT for me anymore.
i'm not down for the stayin out till 3 and goin 2 work at 730 thing anymore. not the business.
& its so much drama! gettin dressed, findin somewhere to go, then goin somewhere else, and somewhere else, and somewhere else. its exhausting!

i'm ready to settle down and stay home with my blanket all night and watch movies with a glass of wine. maybe a hunny, maybe not. im fine either way. 

maybe when i turn 21 i'll go 2 the club occasionally, but only if i dont have 2 work the next day, cuz Sadie needs a break! lol

i just dont understand why you would wana go out and party and get shit faced EVERY WEEKEND NIGHT. doesnt that get old??? 

and i dont think i can talk to someone who is out all the time like that, cuz ima always be at home. && they'll always be out & prolly wont have their priorities together.

idk...thats jus where my mind is right now


Friday, September 25, 2009

People Amaze Me!

so today at work started out like a normal day, but one by one the customers got weirder and weirder.

I walk up to this elderly mans car and ask him what kinda wash he wants
(i work at a car wash btw)
so he goes "oh, the inside and the outside"
i say, "would you like tireshine on your tires?"
he says, "hey baby, whatever gets you off"
lmao! i just laughed and said okay. 

then, this scrawny guy with an afro comes through...
ME: hi how are you?
HIM: great Sexy, whats your name? Shaday?
ME: no its Sadie
HIM: like 'Sadie Hawkins' ? i'll take you to Sadie Hawkins. we'd look cute together
ME: hahaha what kinda wash did you want today?
HIM: i want the Sexy Wash, cuz ur so Sexy. . . Can i wash you baby??
ME: hahaha, so did you want the inside and outside done?
HIM: yea gimme the cheapest one that does the inside (<< not a good look lol)
ME: ok its $13.99 whats your name?
HIM: Iassic, do you want my number too?
ME: nope, have a Fabulous Day

i was like, really???? im hot, irritated, no makeup on, hair a hot mess && u really gona pull some isht like that? SMH!

then there was the lady who didnt understand why her car got dirty again after she got it washed...........
um, you drive around and stuff TWIT! why wouldnt your car get dirty???? dumb *&%$#

people are so stupid i dont know how they get by on a daily basis. *sigh*


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Beginning of the Rest of My Life

so, i just started school last monday at Nevada School of Massage Therapy.
its been so motivational, its crazy. i have so many goals that i'm going to reach in the next 7 months, i know its gonna go by sooo fast. its rather scary, but hey, life is kinda scary isnt it?


one of my teachers today told us a story about a girl that went there who was homeless. she stayed at the school all day until they kicked her out at around 10pm, then rode the city bus all night, in a square around Las Vegas. then in the morning she would get on the connecting bus to come back to the school, wait until they opened the doors and go into the bathrooms to freshen herself up as best as she could, and go on about her day like nothing was wrong.

i almost cried when she told us this story. i felt so blessed to have some place to call home, and i think that we as people take things for granted so much. not knowing what tomorrow has to bring for us. you never know when you could be living out of your car, or in a bus.

i think we should all be grateful for the blessing of today, and grateful of the idea of tomorrow.


but other than that my school experience has been awesome so far. i fell asleep during a massage today and was snoring a bit. lOl. but im reaaaaally motivated and excited to get on with my career.

so, until next time
thats my life In a NutShell


Monday, July 20, 2009

summer's almost over

and that sucks cuz it feels like its just began. . .

didnt get an 'out of vegas' vacation. but i had a weekend away with Sporks and we had a lil kickback for our bdays. it was hella chill and relaxing. and i got to spend some quality time with the BooFace (i totally loved that)

school is starting in 2 weeks so i'm super excited for that. i'll be a licensed massage therapist in approx 7 months =] im ready to get on with my life and make something of myself.

hopefully 'summer romance' will last longer that the summer. so, we shall see

i'll keep u posted

till next time thats my life in a nutshell
