Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Once A Cheater......

always a cheater???
i dont think so
but thats just how i see things.

Just because someone cheated before doesnt mean they will again, depending on their mindset at that time, what they were going thru at that time, and how the relationship was all depends on why they cheated. and people change. NOW, i'm not saying that you should trust everyone who has cheated before because some people are just cheaters to the core. but i am saying, dont condemn someone because of past mistakes.
would you want them to do that to you??

and just because they cheated with you doesnt mean they'll cheat on you... even though its a much bigger chance that they will, doesnt mean they definitely will.
so trust your gut, if you're wishy washy on the subject, give it a go & see how things turn out. if the worst happens then its a lesson learned & just another chapter done in your book of life.

thats how i see it
In A NutShell

Till Next Time

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