Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Once A Cheater......

always a cheater???
i dont think so
but thats just how i see things.

Just because someone cheated before doesnt mean they will again, depending on their mindset at that time, what they were going thru at that time, and how the relationship was all depends on why they cheated. and people change. NOW, i'm not saying that you should trust everyone who has cheated before because some people are just cheaters to the core. but i am saying, dont condemn someone because of past mistakes.
would you want them to do that to you??

and just because they cheated with you doesnt mean they'll cheat on you... even though its a much bigger chance that they will, doesnt mean they definitely will.
so trust your gut, if you're wishy washy on the subject, give it a go & see how things turn out. if the worst happens then its a lesson learned & just another chapter done in your book of life.

thats how i see it
In A NutShell

Till Next Time

Thursday, April 22, 2010

When Did It Become Okay?

so I was just thinking, when did it become okay for somebody to treat someone else wrongly? when did it become okay for someone who you trust to screw you over? why is it that females in general are constantly taken advantage of for just wanting to find love? granted guys get screwed over too sometimes, but not nearly as much as girls do. because us girls (for the most part) really just want to find somebody...we arent trying to talk to 4 other dudes and lead you on, nor are we trying to just have you be another notch in our belts. and I think guys know this, which is why they know exactly how to play us, exactly what we want to hear, and exactly what buttons to push to make our knees weak; or to make us think that they're really good guys. when realistically they're just assholes with a nice guy exterior.

now, this is NOT just a 'rip on the male species' entry, cuz i know some guys that are really genuinely good guys, and it sucks for them because there are so many douche-bags in the world that give every other guy such a bad name. Guys in general are like Pit-Bulls in general. alot of them are sweethearts, but the percentage of them that are ruthless, no good, assholes, ruin it for the rest of them & give the rest of them a bad name. so (just like pit bulls) guys are NOT all the same. so before someone says that they are, they should try to talk to every guy on the planet... good luck with that one...

MOST IMPORTANTLY when did it become okay to group people as all bad or as all anything. like, all Asians are smart, or cant drive...and all black people are ghetto. or all Gay people have aids. thats wrong and hurtful. because if those things are said in a rude and malicious way then it can be very hurtful, and didnt your Mother ever tell you to treat others how you want to be treated??

now, in no way am I a Saint. i dont try to be & i'm not trying to make myself out to be anything but what I am. (which is clearly not a saint) but i just dont like to see people hurt in any way.

if you want to refute anything i said feel free to hit me up & say whatever you feel like, i'm open to seeing more points of view....

but, thats just how i see things
In A NutShell
