Saturday, September 26, 2009


so, i've come to the conclusion that the partying scene is NOT for me anymore.
i'm not down for the stayin out till 3 and goin 2 work at 730 thing anymore. not the business.
& its so much drama! gettin dressed, findin somewhere to go, then goin somewhere else, and somewhere else, and somewhere else. its exhausting!

i'm ready to settle down and stay home with my blanket all night and watch movies with a glass of wine. maybe a hunny, maybe not. im fine either way. 

maybe when i turn 21 i'll go 2 the club occasionally, but only if i dont have 2 work the next day, cuz Sadie needs a break! lol

i just dont understand why you would wana go out and party and get shit faced EVERY WEEKEND NIGHT. doesnt that get old??? 

and i dont think i can talk to someone who is out all the time like that, cuz ima always be at home. && they'll always be out & prolly wont have their priorities together.

idk...thats jus where my mind is right now


Friday, September 25, 2009

People Amaze Me!

so today at work started out like a normal day, but one by one the customers got weirder and weirder.

I walk up to this elderly mans car and ask him what kinda wash he wants
(i work at a car wash btw)
so he goes "oh, the inside and the outside"
i say, "would you like tireshine on your tires?"
he says, "hey baby, whatever gets you off"
lmao! i just laughed and said okay. 

then, this scrawny guy with an afro comes through...
ME: hi how are you?
HIM: great Sexy, whats your name? Shaday?
ME: no its Sadie
HIM: like 'Sadie Hawkins' ? i'll take you to Sadie Hawkins. we'd look cute together
ME: hahaha what kinda wash did you want today?
HIM: i want the Sexy Wash, cuz ur so Sexy. . . Can i wash you baby??
ME: hahaha, so did you want the inside and outside done?
HIM: yea gimme the cheapest one that does the inside (<< not a good look lol)
ME: ok its $13.99 whats your name?
HIM: Iassic, do you want my number too?
ME: nope, have a Fabulous Day

i was like, really???? im hot, irritated, no makeup on, hair a hot mess && u really gona pull some isht like that? SMH!

then there was the lady who didnt understand why her car got dirty again after she got it washed...........
um, you drive around and stuff TWIT! why wouldnt your car get dirty???? dumb *&%$#

people are so stupid i dont know how they get by on a daily basis. *sigh*
