Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Beginning of the Rest of My Life

so, i just started school last monday at Nevada School of Massage Therapy.
its been so motivational, its crazy. i have so many goals that i'm going to reach in the next 7 months, i know its gonna go by sooo fast. its rather scary, but hey, life is kinda scary isnt it?


one of my teachers today told us a story about a girl that went there who was homeless. she stayed at the school all day until they kicked her out at around 10pm, then rode the city bus all night, in a square around Las Vegas. then in the morning she would get on the connecting bus to come back to the school, wait until they opened the doors and go into the bathrooms to freshen herself up as best as she could, and go on about her day like nothing was wrong.

i almost cried when she told us this story. i felt so blessed to have some place to call home, and i think that we as people take things for granted so much. not knowing what tomorrow has to bring for us. you never know when you could be living out of your car, or in a bus.

i think we should all be grateful for the blessing of today, and grateful of the idea of tomorrow.


but other than that my school experience has been awesome so far. i fell asleep during a massage today and was snoring a bit. lOl. but im reaaaaally motivated and excited to get on with my career.

so, until next time
thats my life In a NutShell
